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Corsets and 18th Century Stays - fabrics too strechy


  • pabloquintana

    Dino, can  you share images of what you are trying to accomplish? I don't think there is any fabric that will not bend or stretch with gravity. You can certainly reduce it, but not to a level of complete stiffness.

  • mdinoulis



    Hi Pablo,

    Here are some example photos. Plus a pattern I have been using and examples of the type of dresses I am ultimately looking to create.

    I'm finding it impossible because all the fabrics stretch around the avatar's body and there also does not seem to be a way to create the boning that would keep the fabric stiff in the real garment.

    Best Regards,



  • pabloquintana

    Dino, I would try something like creating strips of fabric using the Cut & Sew function in CLO, and then replacing the fabric of those strips for something called Trim Hardware in the Fabric Presets. First create the patterns and make them snug to the body, then cut and sew the strips and replace the fabric properties. That way the shape of the simulated garment will remain, and then, re-simulate. You can add thickness to the fabric strips to recreate the raised effect.

    Try with something simple and let us know.

    The Blender route is difficult because the imported OBJ can't be sewn to the fabric.



  • mdinoulis

    Many thanks Pablo,

    It's still wrinkling up a bit, but is working a lot better than all the other settings I've tried and should be good enough at least when used as underwear where the dress will go over the top.

    It would be really good if it were possible to create completely rigid and flexible but zero stretch fabrics, and the ability to attach imported OBJ objects to fabrics would be really handy too. Is this functionality something that could be added in a future release perhaps?

    Best Regards,


  • pabloquintana

    Sounds great! You can add your voice to the features request using the Product Feedback forum:


  • mdinoulis

    Thanks Pablo,

    I've added this in the product feedback section.

    Best Regards,


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