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Problem with buckle


  • CLO Designers

    Hello knitstudium ,

    A few tips on working with buckles,

    1. Always import the OBJ file as AVATAR, because importing the object as an Avatar allows you to adjust the skin offset.

    2. Once you imported the buckle in the 3D space, make sure the Particle Distance of the belt piece is set at 5 or lower.

    3. After you have the buckle set in place, lower the skin offset of the buckle piece so the belt piece will lay closer with the buckle.

    Hope this is helpful!

  • knitstudium

    CLO Designers


    I just tried it and it was perfect, a little difficult to get the eyelet in the right place, but in the end I got it.

    Thanks for your help!


  • knitstudium

    CLO Designers

    I need your help again, please.

    I have just changed from the Mac CLO to the Windows version and when I made some small modifications my belt and buckle area has been modified/broken.
    I've tried everything I know and I can't get it to improve or fix the problem.

    The separation of the belt from the buckle is quite wide and I don't know what else to do, besides the metal eyelet the buckle has gone crazy and doesn't fit anymore, even the hole seems to be deformed. I attach photos.

    Some help please, I'm desperate!

  • knitstudium

    Please, can someone help me?


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