Creating a Background using Environment Map
I have found many sources for HDRI maps to use in the Render settings Environment Maps. However when I add them to my lighting settings for render, the images are very huge in proportion to my avatar. How do I fit these images to my scene? Are there certain specs I need the image to be? I first saw this feature used in the India (English) webinar (screenshot below) and when she added the Environment map it fit the scene and was perfectly realistic in proportion to the avatar.
However when I followed the same steps with files I downloaded the images were huge and unrealistic. What am I doing wrong?
And then here is what happened when I tried the same steps.
These are the HDRI files i downloaded to use and what they look like before adding into environment maps.
HDRI images are generally spherical and taken from a pre-set point of view and focal length. So, if your avatar doesn't match that of the HDRI there is nothing you can do but find an HDRI that has the same POV and focal length.
The best solution is to light the scene with the HDRI and then render with transparency so you can add a background that matches the colors and POV of your scene.
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Zoom in to your avatar having reset the camera lens and frame size so that it is more proportional to the HDRI. The camera is the issue.
When you get a HDRI it generally gives you the camera lens type and some technical details. Then you set your render camera to reflect those values more closely and you should get a better match between the avatar scale and rear HDRI .