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High Quality Render and image size large


  • danielemanassero

    Hi nirmola, in a recent trying day I had about render, the teacher said us to always save render in  PNG format because is better ( more colors+ Alpha channel), especially if you need to open the image in other software and resave it, 
    Every time you save a jpg the information is compressed and you lose something from the original version.
    About the size of the file I think is the A4 format the problem combined with the 600ppi resolution.

    You must choose the right/best format for your purpose.


  • closure

    Your render may work faster if you are saving as a PNG with a transparent background. This way you won't have to wait to render the pixels of a color and plus it's easier to edit your background afterwards.

  • nirmola

    Thank you for your suggestion. Can you suggest that what's the render size should be fixed if i want HD quality PNG? 

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