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  • danielemanassero

    Hi Sally, for  now you can change the avatar size from the menu ---> Avatar----> Avatar editor then move the slider near the meas you want to change.( height , width or length)

    If you enable the show meas button in the 3d window, you can see the measure change while you're moving the slider.

    I hope this help you.

  • Sally Dave

    I actually tried this already but I needed an input to type my measures. The earlier versions of CLO3D had this option and now it hasn't!! That's weird! 

    But thank you very much for responding, my friend. :)

  • anhle

    Hi Sally,

    We actually took out that feature in the current version to lock down some of the constraints and stability, but it will be back in the next release (January 2019). Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hey guys!


    This is Erica from the CLO team. How have you been?


    I have a good news! Based on your previous discussions, I would like to inform you about our Open Beta Test for CLO ver5.0.0 which will be available on January 3rd, 2019, next Thursday!! Yay!


    As CLO ver5.0.0 has an upgraded avatar editor which you guys were interested, I wanted to reach out to you here.

    To see the full list of the new/upgraded features in CLO ver5.0.0, please click here.


    If you are interested in participating in our OBT, please make sure to follow our Instagram or Linkedin profile as we will keep you posted there.


    If you have any feedback when using OBT, please follow the instruction stated on the OBT page (which will be available on January 3rd.)


    Thank you and Happy New Year!!



  • jessicaluchesi

    This is exactly my question... I am doing an evaluation of the solution, and I do custom sized garments, so ideally I would be able to have an avatar to each of my clients, hand entering the measurements from their measurement sheets... and seeing only a slider was present was really frustrating... I hope we get it back on the next version, because the lack of this option really hinders what I would want to do.

    I am testing by adjusting the sliders... but the fact some measurements will alter others, as if this was some sort of video game solution "so the body looks right" ( and so many real people have bodies that don't "look right" ), in my own body measurements, I cannot adjust my thighs without it altering my hip size, and vice versa, meaning it is presenting making an avatar of myself based on tweaking the regular female avatar, something frustratingly impossible.

  • Permanently deleted user

    @jessicaluchesi, I do understand your frustration with our current Avatar Editor. Please hang tight until January 3rd and try out our brand new editor which will allow you to insert body measurements. Not the slider anymore!


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