Why does my iMac runs so slowly with Clo 3d ? help!!
I bought a new computer (iMac ) for Clo 3d. When I use the Clo 3d, the computer runs very slowly. I don't know what is the problem with it. How to deal with it?
Here is some details with my computer:
iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2017)CPU:3 GHz Intel Core i5
RAM:16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
startup disk:Macintosh HD
Graphics:Radeon Pro 555 2 GB
Your specs seem up to speed, so could you provide me with more information about your iMac and set-up?
What version of CLO are you using? If it is not 4.0.129, then please update to the latest version, which you can find in your Account page under License. When you install CLO, are you dragging it into your Applications or your desktop? Adding CLO to your Applications is the proper installation process.
If installing the latest update does not help then when you have CLO open, can you share screenshots of your Activity Monitor (CPU & Energy) for me? It will help narrow down the problem to see how it is actually running on your computer. Thanks!