Importing new 3d fabric file
Hi Clo, hoping you can assist. I a technical apparel developer and still very new to the 3d platform, I have been developing 2d patterns using Gerber since 2004. Can you please advise the process of adding fabrics that have been downloaded from the link attached. I have been advised by Vizoo the 3d creators of the fabric file to use 7zip to extract the file and rename the .u3ma file to a .xTex and then add it. If I drag it onto a default fabric in clo, it seems to work, I then drag one of the texture file into the same window, this seem to work as well , I'm not sure if this is the correct method, as if I try and run a final render, the final result does not seem so realistic compared to the image in the web link. Hoping that you can assist or advise.
Thanks Stevie
Hi stevie_h
Vizoo does have a video HERE on their youtube and we have an article about importing Xtex HERE on our website.
But it does not sound like Vizoo is advising you correctly, .u3ma files are not compatible with CLO and just changing the file extension does not convert the file type to be compatible with CLO.