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Error message - pattern out lines are intersecting - this is showing a lot in CLO 6.0???


  • CLO Designers

    Hello sudolisa,

    CLO may not like something about how the lines are being adjusted because of curve points. I cannot see the curve points in your screenshot, but especially when there are many curve points on a pattern outline, it can be more difficult to make adjustments. If these are patterns that are imported from an external software, especially Illustrator, you may need to work with the shapes to make sure they are both closed and as clean as possible in the original file before importing into CLO.

  • sudolisa

    no, pattern is Clo made, it is really simple pattern, I did not add any curve.

    I did not have this problem or message before 6.0, it is happening in new version for all same work. Difficult to adjust curve specially inner curve. Plus, when adjust curve, it makes drastic curve, I have to adjust to again.  Why this is happening? I rather go back to old version.

  • CLO Designers

    Hello sudolisa, apologies for the delay in response. Please use the Contact Us page and report this to our tech support!

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