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Tech pack exporting measurement difference


  • CLO Designers

    Hi zachbell

    Are you exporting the tech pack from CLO-SET? When you check the measurement in CLO do the measurements in the excel sheet match the 3D Line length?

  • zachbell

    Yes exporting tech pack from clo-set. And yes they match the 3d line length. I guess I should at that these measurements are for a puffer style vest. 1) why does it default to 3d line length and not 2d line length? 2) which line length should I use for manufacturing purposes and accuracy?

  • CLO Designers

    Hi zachbell

    Could you please email our team Directly at and include the project file. Thank you


  • petiteivou

    Greetings team

    I have the same issue a difference between the POM in CLO3D ( (in mm but) and the one generated in excel file by CLO-SET. The lenght in excel fime defaults to 3D line length and I would need to use the 2D lenght for production purpose.

    Is this something you could help with please ?

    Thank you!

  • CLO Designers

    Hi petiteivou

    For this you may need to look into the WEb tech pack instead. You can find an article HERE from the clo-set website.

    For more direct CLO-SET assistance we recommend reaching out to them through their website or on their official Discord

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