CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
Hi, Is there any way to adjust or assign colors to a graded nest? It's difficult to know what size is each line, so I'm unsure if the grading is correct. Right now I have shades of green and they...
Hi, As I'm grading I'm also realizing the X/Y tool is very confusing. I thought X & Y are always fixed in direction? With grading it seems sometimes the (-) means one direction, sometimes the ot...
Does anyone else have this issue? I find the X/Y Offset Grading tool to be pretty frustrating. I'm used to just entering in each grade between sizes and pressing enter. However, in CLO, for some...
Hi, I'm trying to grade my neckline and it looks so awful. I've tried everything, I've added points, removed points, adjusted the grading, removed the curve points, but I still get these wacky l...
Hi, I'm trying to grade my pattern after watching the CLO tutorial on grading. For some reason on my smaller sizes the lines are intersecting and causing some weird shapes. How can I correct thi...
Hi, I used the autograding feature to adjust some leggings to fit a new avatar. It left these grey lines behind- I'm not sure what these are? Do they represent my new pattern? if that's so, how c...
I'm trying to add diamond quilting to a jacket. It's not a puffer, just a lightly-quilted jacket. I tried using pressure, it seems to do nothing and the jacket just jumps around a lot. I tried u...