CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
paolaguivel1 created a post,
Hello everyone, my main computer is in repair at the moment and I cannot log in with my second computer and use my license. Can someone help?
paolaguivel1 created a post,
Hi :) So I wanted to export my avatar as always as a fbx with texture files as a zip, but the option is not available anymore. Instead of "save with texture files" it says "embed media":( Did it ch...
paolaguivel1 commented,
Thanks for your answer! I tried to do it now and the only way for me that works is : draw ellipse + middle line > convert to hole > Trace tool > trace as a pattern :)
paolaguivel1 created a post,
Hi:) my cut & sew tool is suddenly transforming a circle into a square... It was working fine before, so I don´t really know where the mistake is:( Thanks for the help!