
  • Total activity 44
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Latest activity by derhiroei
  • derhiroei created a post,

    Hello, I am trying to tackle a problem I usually come across with. Sometimes when importing files from Clo to blender I am using wrangler to place all the UV maps but for some reason, I get the res...

  • derhiroei created a post,

    Hello,   I having a problem with shadow when rendering. It becomes with texture and smooth shadows.  See pictures of shadows and rendering properties. Hope someone knows how to fix it.   BR Roei

  • derhiroei commented,

    Hello CLO Designers, Thank you so much for the answer. I did as you said and I got the same results. Record the whole animation in Clo and export as you said to blender. But for some reason the ava...

  • derhiroei commented,

    Hello falmouth Thank you so much for your help!

  • derhiroei commented,

    Hello falmouth,   Thank you for your quick answer ! I did it , bu still giving me the same problem :(   Do you know why?   Roei

  • derhiroei created a post,

    Hello, Hope someone can help me with that- Let me tell Clo is very not animation-friendly for other programs. :/ I am trying to import OBJ and then the PC2 to Blender but for some reason, I'm getti...

  • derhiroei commented,

    Hi CLO Designers,   Thank you so much for your help. I imported the files from CLO as Alembic(OGAWA) to Blender. Below are all the screenshots I took from the process. Hope you can help me, Roei

  • derhiroei commented,

    Hi CLO Designers, I was trying to do as you ask but it looks like the characters are separated and not sync. ( see pic) can you think of any reason why? BR Roei Derhi  

  • derhiroei commented,

    Hello, Thank you CLO Designers for the answer. If I would like to export the CLO avatar with a CLO animation? Is that possible?   BR Roei 

  • derhiroei created a post,

    Hello, I'm trying to export Avatar with the animation into Clo but It's not working that well for me. Does anyone know how to do it? BR Roei Derhi