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Votes on activity by isabelcrosby2 Recent activity Votes
  • Pan Button Not Working- CLO 7.0.242

    I assume this may be specific to my device, but wondering if anyone has any troubleshoot suggestions on the below. I'm in CLO 7.0 on a PC using a regular mouse and suddenly my pan button doesn't wo...

  • FV2 Avatar Texture Issue 6.2.468

    Is it me or are the FV2 textures not matching the avatar properly? I see 5 textures in the library, the default texture is fine, but if you change to any of the others, they are slightly different ...

  • Registering OBJ Button Issue - CLO 6.2

    I am no longer able to register buttons as I used to. When searching for the OBJ in the folder, the file type option is set to .BTN and won't show my .OBJ. Even OBJ buttons I have previously regist...

  • Scaling and Rotating Back Side Texture

    I'm having issues when scaling, rotating and moving the texture image on the backside of my fabric. It changes the front side image. Plus the texture looks backwards in the 2D view. Is it still the...

  • Editing Substance Files

    Hi there,  I have really tried to find this through Adobe forums, but I'm at a loss. Hoping someone here can help. I just want to do very basic editing to Substance SBSAR files. It seems most param...

  • Is this a 6.1 bug? (6.1.332)

    I can't scale or move a texture with the Edit Texture Tool. Did something change or is this a bug?  Thanks! Isabel

  • Add Puckering Texture to Colorway Mode

    Currently if you have a color applied to your puckering texture image you can't edit it in colorway mode as far as I can tell. Which means it has to be the same color for all colorways, which is ob...