
  • Total activity 48
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Recent activity by kartiayla Recent activity Votes
  • increase rectangle length without altering pins?

    I would like to increase the length of a rectangle line without the pins shifting, and the overall rectangle shifting. is there a way to do that?

  • how to make a drawstring in clo?

    I would like to create a rounded long drawstring. similar to the image below. I have used a slim, rectangular fabric piece to lace a pair of pants, however I do not like the tedious twisted result....

  • pins won't move.

    I am lacing a bottom and the pins won't move, the right click is not popping up either.

  • CLO moving slow after decreasing particle distance?

    I lowered the particle distance for my project from 20 to 2 and now my project is moving extremely slow. It is moving too slow to make any movements in the 3d window. I tried to increase the partic...

  • Place belt through loops?

    I would like to make a belt piece go through the belt loops. is there a simple way to do that?

  • change fabric on drawstring

    I would like for my drawstring to be the same material on both sides and to increase the thickness of it. I have created the drawstring here but I want to make the fabric on both sides the same tex...

  • Add volume to hood

    I would like for my hood to sit up on the shoulders of my avatar in simulation. Is there a way to add volume to that the hood sits up more?How can I do that?

  • Turn off simulation

    how do I turn off the simulation?

  • circumference garment measure tool not available in trial version?

    I am hunting for the circumference garment measure tool to follow a tutorial, but I don't have that tool anywhere in my 3D toolbar. Is it not available in the trial version of clo?

  • Circumference garment measure tool?

    I cannot find the circumference garment measure tool. Should it be here?