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Votes on activity by aann Recent activity Votes
  • Displacement map not rendering - 'compiling kernals for device GeForce RTX'

    I'm a fairly competent user of  CLO3d and have good understanding of how to use the maps. The software has been working fine until recently. However, suddenly the displacement map is not rendering ...

  • Edit Dart is not an option when right clicking on a dart

    Hello! Edit Dart is not an option when right clicking on a selected dart. The great feature of being able to simply rotate a dart is not coming up as an option when right clicking on the dart. Plea...

  • avatar for socks

    Hello! Does anyone know where I can get avatars for socks (just the foot) see image. Or is there a way to make the foot from an actual avatar? Help appreciated. Thanks!

  • How to create suede?

    Hello!    Does anyone know how to create suede finishes on fabric?   Thanks in advance.

  • Fabric is looking bumpy after rendering

    Hello! How can I ensure that the fabric is looking smooth after rendering. After rendering the fabric has a slightly bumpy effect which is not showing in 3D window. It also keeps getting stuck in t...