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Recent activity by pranavlodha Recent activity Votes
  • Light Temperature

    Hi everyone,I'm trying to recreate the real world fabric colours in CLO. But I want to understand does CLO uses Pure White Light or Day Light? In V Ray Render. I use the preset "Light 2" for almost...

  • Fabric Edge Thickness

    Hey, I've created this garment with a fabric thickness around 4 and hem fabric being 4.5. Reason for them being so high to make it look like a fabric. If I keep it around 1 fabric feels like a pape...

  • Armhole or Hip Scale?

    I want to draw patterns in CLO3d but to get correct shape for armhole or hip. I require scales similar to the one's we use in real life. If there is some other way to get the correct armhole shape ...

  • Bra Pattern

    Hi,Avatar I'm using has pointy nipples. Is there I can hide the pointy nipples. Or share a pattern of Strapless Bra.I've made avatar using Makehuman. 

  • Skive

    Hey,Can someone explain what exactly is Skive?And what this tool does?