CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
Hi there I'm having trouble finding: Avatar Properties ▶ Body Styling ▶ Skin Style ▶ Style Configuration button. Where exactly is the Avatar Properties > Body Styling? I'm selecting the avatar an...
oh gosh sorry i didn't realise any of that stuff - and i probably should read the T&C's more carefully. thanks so much for the detailed response, really appreciate it. for the record, i am using an...
Oh thank you! i tried that and got this:
Thanks so much for the response. Re the wobby edge corner, sorry I think that was because i resized the image after i screenshotted it. The edges are straight when the OBJ was imported as shown bel...
Hi Amal, your boots look amazing!!! Do you have like tutorial on how you accomplished this entirely in CLO? Did you use the existing heels in CLO3D and just built it on from that? If so how if you ...
Hi there, is there an update on this? Shopify now supports 3D models and their help file says that the file type to use if GLB so thought I'd jump in and see if there was support for this?
The Deleting Avatar Tape video is incorrect. You've selected the Attach to Avatar Tape instead of Edit Avatar Tape in the video.