
  • Total activity 54
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Votes on activity by Pranav Recent activity Votes
  • Text on Buttons

    Hi,Is there a way I can write the company's name on buttons used in CLO? If not then does anyone know which software should I use to create a new button? 

  • Graphic Card

    Hey,I plan to buy Nvidia GT 1030 2GB GDDR5 64-Bit DVI-D HDMI Retail Graphic card / Pascal / Firestorm / 384 Cuda core /DirectX 12 I'm currently using Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3450 CPU @3.10GHz with 8 G...

  • Finer-Details

    Hello Everyone, I'm trying to make my garment look more realistic. If you could suggest more tips and tricks it would be really helpful. All the images are rendered and kept Noise Threshold at mini...

  • Fallen Hood

    Hello everyone,I'm trying to recreate this fallen hood   This is what I was able to recreate on my clo   I can only think of one way to adjust each and every mesh point. but that's super time cons...

  • Transform Fabric of Piping

    I can't seem to edit the fabric of Piping, I have attached the image As you can see Piping looks bad I want it similar to the flow of print on the  T Shirt  

  • Create my own Modular Patterns

    Hey, I'm working on project where I need to keep switching between various styles of collar and sleeve. I realized Modular Configurator would be of a great help to me. Is there way I can add my pat...

  • Auto Grading

    Can CLO do auto-grading of patterns?I mean can CLO give the pattern in various sizes if I select the pattern in 2D Window

  • Light Setting

    I'm trying to save the position of my light controllers but the CLO isn't saving them. They are being saved in .cpt format. I click on save but once I try to open the file isn't there.

  • Mesh Fabric

    Hey, Can anyone help me where can I get mesh fabric? I tried CLO Marketplace, couldn't find it there. Will I have to create a file on Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop?

  • Polo Collar

    Hey I couldn't make placket for Polo T Shirt. I was able create the collar. I wasn't able make the placket for it.