CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
Hi, I noticed that the kid has very bumpy legs. The younger he is the more distorted his body gets. I would love to be able to use him in my designs. Can this be fixed?Thanks, Natalia
Hi Clo team, After I auto grade the clothes fall on the floor. Please see attached. Is there a reason for this? I followed the steps shown on the webinar.Thanks, Natalia
Hello, How can I show the avatar shadows in the Render window? Thank you :)Nati
Hello, how can I import a fabric that I purchased from the Closet Marketplace? It is not appearing on my library. Thanks, Natalia
Hello, I am trying to re-size some shoes that I got on Turbosquid. I have an obj and fbx file of it. I read that in order to resize an obj I have to import it as a trim, but I don't get the option ...
Hello, I had a custom avatar created that I want to use in Clo and I am having problems importing the files that were created for the hair to look realistic. The hair was created in ZBrush. I was...
Where can I find the specular color setting? Thanks, Natalia
Hello, How can I add/import an mtl file to clo3d? Thanks for your help in advance :)
Hello, I need to add a chain strap to a clutch. I can't find any tutorials on this. Please help. Thanks :)
Hello, How can I get centered snapshots? Usually, I centered my avatar with front view or #2, but front view position is now off-centered and exporting at all different levels. Please help! Thanks,...