
  • Total activity 37
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Recent activity by tnals12069 Recent activity Votes
  • Avatar fbx, Clothing abc file not sync in blender

    I exported an avatar motion FBX and a clothing simulation ABC file from CLO, but the motion of both files doesn't align well in Blender (see video). I suspect it's an FPS issue. I exported the clot...

  • How to make pleats skrt more straightly?

    Hello everyone, I want the pleats skirt below to be drape more straightly as red line. I also attatch image of propoerty editor and reference skirt. Any advise or tip would be appreciated! Thanks. ...

  • How can I fix overlapping fabric?

      Hi, I'm making flower pattern and they are overlapping each other which make them look unrealistic. Any advice to fix it would be highly appreciated I also attatch property editor window of flo...

  • How can I copy pipe on pattern?

    Hello everyone,  I'm making this bunch of flowers on sleeves as you can see in the attatchment. I'm copying and pasting flower patterns, but I found out that "pipe" is not available to copy. I shou...

  • How can I set the setting while I export pattern from CLO3D to Rhino?

    Hello  I'm trying to export pattern from CLO3D and work pattern more with Rhino or grasshopper. I exported file format as pdf and scaled as millimeters(Also Rhino), but the scale does not match.. A...

  • Parametric tool

    HelloI have been designing parametric fashion with 3d modeling tool - Rhinoceros 3d and Grasshopper - for complex fashion that is difficult to make in reality. (Please refer to the picture below.) ...

  • Setting shortcut key for some tools

    HI, I'm trying to set shortcut key for some tools. So I went to Main Menu ▶ Settings ▶ User Settings ▶ Shortcuts,but I couldn't find some of them. and they're : - Trace as pattern - Extend / Trim -...