CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
Hi, shaiclo! Yeah, it will be definitely helpful! If you don't mind, would you please share the video file via any platform you want to use such as wetransfer or google drive?
Hi, Anthony! It's a bit strange cause the graphic isn't shifted when I tested on my side. If possible, could you share the graphic file and the project file with us through the platform you want t...
Hi, gracesong. I could not find the information of graphic card:( Would you please let me know it for further investigation?
@shaiclo Oh, I am so sorry for the delay, it was a day off on Friday! As lourieclo also has the same problem as yours, will it be ok to assist you here again? Sorry for the confusion : ( I've share...
Hi, shaiclo! I've already sent the email to the address you used to sign up on our website! Um, please check and let me know if you didn't get any email from us!
@shaiclo Hi! This is Lea, the Tech Support Designer. I delivered the issue to our developer and sent you an email about this issue! Will it be ok to communicate via email? : )
Hi! To investigate the problem, would you send me your PC specification including graphics card?
안녕하세요, leopard08님! 현재 사용하고 계시는 MacBook pro의 모델명과 사양을 댓글로 남겨주시면 보다 정확한 답변을 드릴 수 있습니다. 감사합니다.
안녕하세요, jessy7118님! CLO는 MacBook Air 를 지원하지 않습니다.
Hi dutchesse1 : ) This is Lea, the CX designer from CLO! I've sent an email to assist you in more detail, please check!