CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
Oh one more! For rendering via CLOSET 3D avatar issue, please share the project file, if you do not mind! Will investigate further with the file.
Hi dorelle22 , Sorry for the late checking!! The latest 5.0.156 version has been released recently! Would you please try it out? In the meantime, let me share this issue with our dev team and let y...
Dear ottoline, There was a problem of skeleton and skin being separated in our beta version, and the official 5.0.100 version was recently released. In official 5.0.100 version, almost every proble...
Hey Vadsura, The developer is fixing this symmetric issue. I guess it will be fixed soon and involved in the near patch version. Always thankful for your enthusiasm! Best, Lea.
Hi guys, Sorry for my belated comment! It was a bit hectic last week. Wow, your interests in avatar editing are enormous! Thanks. Let me deliver the developer’s feedback in order! Hi arhimed Pl...
Hi Beer , There is a crash bug that occurs when using the sewing tool in a specific file with notches. The developer has fixed the issue and it will be involved in the next patch version which will...
arhimed & dorelle22 Hi guys, First of all, it is so much appreciated for you guys to report all these issues :) Based on your feedback, our Dev team is constantly working to make an improved Avat...
9. Feedback for Avatar Editor (Hi olga19, please refer to it!)There is a manual named Adjust Avatar Size (ver5.0.0 and Above) on our we...
Hi arhimed and dorelle22 , Sorry for my belated reply. I am checking these issues with the developer in charge of avatars! Let me get back to you ASAP! Best, Lea.
Hi a169070 , When I tested with Mara, it worked fine. Would you please let me know exactly how this symptom occur? Best, Lea.