CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
안녕하세요! 해당 에러 메세지는 api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll 파일이 없어, 프로그램 실행에 실패하는 현상입니다. 해결 방법을 전달해 드립니다 :> - 사용하시는 PC가 Windows 10 인 경우 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 를 설치합니다. : htt...
Hi mattold94 This bug will be fixed in the next patch version which will be released this week :) However, unlike previous versions of Mac OS, when exporting turntable video from Mac OS 10.14.4, i...
Hi, Sorry for the inconvenience!! Currently, there is a bug exporting a video from CLO with macOS Mojave 10.14.4 and our dev team is fixing it now. Since it does not occur with the lower os version...
Hi vanya, For further investigation, we think we need the dxf files and also the rul files. Can you share the files via CLOSET or another platform? Plus, may I ask why you tried this way? Best, Lea.
Hi vanya , Thanks for letting us know. I will share this issue with our dev team and let you know soon :) Best, Lea.
Please check my answer in bold & italic below! There are so many changes and some are not good. I don't know how you guys are doing versions without animation. This was critical. the fact that you...
Hey dorelle22 , Sorry for the belated reply due to a week-long CLO company conference. Please let me firstly talk about the render & CLOSET problem. For a render problem, it seems you got a new gra...
Dear rumby , Sorry for checking it so late. Firstly, the latest 5.0.156 version has been released so please try it out and let me know if you still face multiple crashes. For a Contact Us issue, ye...
Dear aoao1004, Please be noted that our community is operated in English only for now. Please translate your post otherwise it will be deleted in two days. If you need support in Japanese, please c...
Hi, Firstly, CLO does not support 32bit OS system. Please check our officially supported Computer Specifications. Plus, please be noted that our community is operated in English only for now. Pleas...