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Latest activity by steph170293
  • steph170293 commented,

    Hi, I'm bringing back this question, because it is a year over and there is a new CLO version, Is there a way I could define a fabric (with different default fabric properties) and then create a fl...

  • steph170293 commented,

    Vad, as you can see in the third image posted here, I'm showing that flatten pen can go from torso across to the arm, so I didn't find any problem there, it doesn't seem like arms and legs are a se...

  • steph170293 created a post,

    Hi! I have a problem with the 3D pen (flattening) when importing back a CLO avatar (I take the CLO avatar to a 3D modelling software to fill the hollow bust), the arm, head, legs, appear to be sepa...

  • steph170293 created a post,

    Hi, there is a list of fabrics to use in Folder "Fabric", I suppose the one that says "(Default_for_Simulation).zfab" is used for flattening, but with what fabric can I relate(similarity in real li...

  • steph170293 commented,

    Hi, with what fabric can I relate(similarity) the default fabric? (linen, cotton, muslin, etc) Thanks!

  • steph170293 commented,

    Hi, if in the future versions of CLO there will be the chance of changing the physical properties of default fabric, as you said, my real question is: Will the flatten pattern result be different e...

  • steph170293 created a post,

    Hi,  When I use the flatten tool , the result is always the same although i change the physical property ( Weft, warp, shear...)   1. I would like to know if the flattening considers physical prope...