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Recent activity by dorelle22 Recent activity Votes
  • Rendering: what is the best or ideal render system configuration?

    I am new to all this GEEK knowledge. It has been a challenge rendering on my PC laptop  i7 - NVDA GXF960 - 16BG How do I get to that sweet spot of fast rendering and photorealistic quality?  What a...

  • Help if 4.2 is crashing - see this

    Hi All new and expert Clo3d users and TS team With the launch of the wonderful 4.2 there is a great temptation to push our machines past their rendering limits. I experienced a lot of crashing usin...

  • COLORWAYS- Loading color ACO files crash in the colorway creator 4.1 latest

    Hello Clo team, I am experimenting with colorway creations. I decided it would be a GREAT "idea" to load my photoshop ACO colors into the color prest folder. upon 1st use, I added to the color pale...

  • Avatar suggestions

     I know you are working on being able to build custom avatar sand better provide measurements. Below is a suggestion on additional measurement points from someone that uses CLO3D daily. Being able ...

  • Possible Product enhancements - Suggestions

    I have been using the program for 3 Months since the beta. I just have a few suggestions 1- Option to remove undergarments from Avatar 2- Save a 3rd Party Avatar - as a CLO Avatar, not just FBX fil...

  • Where can I find Clo Show Player?

    Where can you find Clo Show Player? I have looked everywhere and it looks like it was discontinued and/or absorbed in the new software. I am looking to make a full scale  3D rendered fashion show, ...

  • Avatar - Tan lines

    How can you remove the tan lines for an avatar? I am working on swimwear and I need to remove the tan lines. Since avatar files are not in an editable format   how can the modesty color lines be re...

  • Animation: Clothing does not animate with the Avatar

    I been using CLO since the launch and I am totally new to the program. I have had great success with drafting and sewing but now I cannot get the clothing to animate with the avatar during the anim...

  • Creating an Avatar in Fuse or Make Human

    OK, I am new to the Clo3D software but I am somewhat familiar with the different types of software integrations within the program. My Question: How do I upload a FUSE character with Mixamo actions...


    Does anyone know what is the best fabric to use for swimwear is? there seems to be no "good" swim fabric. I tried all but the spandex content listed is too low. looking for 10-15% spandex/poly/nylo...