CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
MINNAT and vadsura thank you both of you. This is helpful!
danielemanassero pabloquintana ottoline Thank you all for your suggestions!! I will try all of this.
How do we import generic DXF files? What is the best option to convert DXF to DXF ASTM?
Hello pabloquintana, sorry I missed your response. I meant to ask if the uneven of the surface can appear from a tangent like a real seersucker fabric would do. If you look closely at a seersucker ...
So, the friction coefficient should be high or low? What's an optimum number?
Hey Amy, is there a way to reflect the depth in the texture on the edge of the garment?
Thanks for your input but I am choosing trace as a pattern, not internal shape.
It does not do anything for me. Does anyone know how to work with the edge of the fabric, to make it look realistic?
Figured :) it's simple copy and paste. I was taking it too seriously. :)
Is it possible to break the link and assign the internal line(s) to another pattern?