CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
Anne Bang created an article,
Automated Arrangement Point Creation - Load an Avatar by navigating to Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Import ▶ OBJ. - Automatically Add Arrangement Points option under Load OBJ window ▶ Load as Avatar is sel...
Anne Bang created an article,
List of Contents Change Thread Type and Material Change Thread Type for Buttons Change Material for Buttons Change Thread Type and Material - Change thread type, material and color for the b...
Anne Bang created an article,
Sewing Tension - Adjust sewing Tension to improve 3D Garments’ fit. - Select the Edit Sewing tool from the 2D toolbar. - Select the Sewing Line which the sewing Tension needs to be adjusted. - ...
Anne Bang created an article,
Adjust Trim Weight - Apply weight to an OBJ trim to simulate 3D garment drape influenced by the trim. - Main Menu ▶ 2D Pattern ▶ Edit ▶ Transform Pattern/ Edit Pattern - 2D Toolbar ▶ Transform P...
Anne Bang created an article,
Topstitch Right-Click Pop-Up Menu - Right click on the Topstitch to access the right-click pop-up menu. - Select Edit Topstitch tool from the 2D toolbar. - Right click on the Topstitch and selec...
Anne Bang created an article,
Divide Sewing Lines Based On Nothches_ver.4.1.0 - Now sewing lines can be created snapping on notches, without adding segment points. - Select the Segment Sewing tool from the 2D toolbar. - Establ...
Anne Bang created an article,
Shape Dart Cap - Smooth Pattern outlines with darts. - Select the Edit Pattern tool from the 2D toolbar. - Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and select two segments forming darts. - Right-c...
Anne Bang created an article,
List of Contents 2D Snapshot Apply 2D Snapshot Save 2D Snapshot 2D Snapshot - Save Patterns in 1:1 ratio as images. - Main Menu ▶ File ▶ Snapshot ▶ 2D Patterns(1:1). Apply 2D Snapshot - The 2...
Anne Bang created an article,
Garment Fit Maps - Use four types of view icons to check 3D Garment fit. - Hover over the fourth icon in the 3D window to access view icons used to check fit. - Click the desired Map to show or hi...
Anne Bang created an article,
List of Contents [Print Layout] Align Patterns Align Left Align Center Align Right Align Top Align Middle Align Bottom [Print Layout] Align Patterns - In the Print Layout Mode, easily align P...