CLO Help Center
CLO Help Center
fonkski commented,
Hi, thanks for your reply... It should be a bug with the newer version... I downgraded to an older version and the poses load again.
fonkski created a post,
Hi there,after the 7.3.160 update, I suddenly cannot load my custom poses anymore. I used the same poses months before and they were never a problem suddenly now, when I try to load a pose this not...
fonkski created a post,
Hey there, I have a problem with my UV map, after I export it and bring into blender, the ribbon or trims in general get distorted and do not look like the UV map I have baked in Clo... Do you know...
fonkski commented,
hey, how can you deactivate the view? I cant seem to find it
fonkski commented,
thanks so much! this helped a lot :)
fonkski created a post,
Hi Community, I have been searching for a way to express the fabric curl like thisIt curls inward like that, but I only find tutorials on lettuce hems, which i dont need in this case. Do you have a...