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Recent activity by pinarer Recent activity Votes
  • Knit fabric looks grey in 3D window

    Hi, Trying new knit feature on 2024 however when i switch the fabric type to Knit  it looks grey in 3D window . Do i need to change a kind of settings so i can see the knit texture more clear?

  • Mixamo-Shoe issue

    One of the shoe comes back from Mixamo as I attached.. weird..Any idea why that happens and how to fix it? Thanks!

  • Hide Avatar option doesn't work on Render Window

    I dont know if this is a bug or if the settings are changed..   on version 6, when I hide the avatar on 3D window , still shows up on Render. I had to delete the avatar to see the garment by it sel...

  • Gray half square appears while rendering on transparent

    anyone having this issue recently? or have you ever? or if you know how how to fix it? :)   When I render on transparent there is this dark gray square appears like the image I attached. It is weir...

  • Aligning Internal shapes along a segment

      Is there a way to align the internal shapes along a segment?. Like, we can do that for the patterns or shapes using  the align option to parallel or x-axis etc.  But on the images that attached, ...

  • Logo on a Zipper Puller

    Is there a way to add a  logo like this on a zipper puller  in Clo? If not,is the only way doing in blender like softwares? if we can not do this in Clo, Can we just export to blender the puller as...

  • Sbsar dont work ?

    couple weeks ago I could drop sbsar, but since 5.2 launched , I can not... is there bug? or am I the only one who is having trouble with that? :)

  • Why Shoes from market place dont match with Mara Avatar?

    In the past I purchased shoes from market place and didn't have problem but now when I got a shoes for (Female A / Female B), my avatar is currently Mara , it says no matching avatar.. any idea wh...

  • Are you having trouble with 5.1?

    some of my tools don't works..  like..  arrangement points, bounding volumes, I click , nothing shows up.. ..( only X-ray joints works )  or when I simulate, pins don't move, I can not even delete ...

  • Ruched waistband

    Is there a way of doing this kind of waist band on Clo? I added elastic on the top and bottom of the band ,played with  the thickness or/and fabric type , also eleastic strength/ratio  and couple o...