make collar stitching appear
hey, just made a collar for my crewneck and i want to make each of the lines visible on the texture. what do i have to do?
Hi clothesfromeros. I think I need some clarification to answer your question properly.
Internal lines are not meant to to visually add texture. Is your goal to create a rib collar? Or is your goal to just have top Stitching?
To add Rib to the collar you will need to start with a Rib or knit texture. Then add in a Normal Map and Displacement Map to the Rib texture to add highs and lows.
Please see below image and note that Displacement maps are only visible in the Render Engine
If you are looking to add Topstitching you can watch a video that is part of our Youtube series HERE that teaches how to add topstitching
We hope this helps!