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Fbx export file issue


  • ottoline

    Some blender tips.

    You should not export 'unwelded' mesh to blender > and you should only export a 'thin' welded mesh to keep the model light weight so you can apply a thickness modifier to get a non-destructive 'thick' mesh garment model in blender equal to the fabric thickness you had set in CLO3D (see 2D pattern additional render thickness setting and fabric thickness for this value) this ensures you don't get edges that are unwelded breaking the blender model. In blender you may break a garments 2D patterns by using the blender 'select by materials' option to take a welded mesh and break it apart in one click into separate elements based on (CLO3D) material shader color. This means for every fabric material in your CLO3D stack that is assigned to a garment model can be used as a method to group patterns within a garment you export to blender as a next workflow tool.

    eg: export thin welded, unified mesh garment from CLO3D with garment that has 3 base fabric colorways > will allow you to separate by fabric material group inside blender for any welded mesh in one step.

    When you export a unified UV co-ordinates you can also apply the seam normal map (exported from CLO3D) but only after you have set your 2D patterns in the CLO3D UV editor onto the UDIM texture atlas. This means you can then apply the CLO3D seam normal's back to the blender (cycles or evee) material PBR shader and get the same effect you had in CLO3D. So expect to do some Blender shader material work to get your basic mapping for CLO3D exported texture maps properly set to your Evee or Cycles PBR base shader - do once and save in blender as a material preset for future use, where you simply drag and drop your textures into the shader node graph workspace.





  • CLO Designers

    Hi zprince303,

    Please follow these settings when you export your .fbx file from CLO.

    Hope this helps! Let us know if it works for you.

  • zprince303

    Still not working... :(

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