Adjusting physical properties from the factory sheets to the emulgators properties or fabric properties
I have received the properties of the fabric that I actually don't have and the customer wants to simulate some pattern with it
When I am comparing the information and the possibilities in Clo3d to recreate the fabric, I can not find any logic and Carvico is the best factory for swimwear fabrics I think they have a good measurement
Please can you advise me what to do? I don't have any of the instruments, that can measure the fabrics propertiy
Is there a company that makes just fabrics for Clo3d and it can be purchased ?
Here is the only information that I have for the fabric , maybe I can ask more...........
The typical process would be to get a swatch from the supplier for the fabric (36cm x 36cm - 3 off) and actually test it using the CLO3D emulator and fabric kit hardware. That then converts those test parameters into their recommended preset. You could get someone whom has that service to do that test for you if you don't have that hardware.
Fabric test kit >> training video link
Support help >> manual link
So to get custom fabric presets (in any 3D garment sampling software) the responsibility falls to you to decide to either purchase that hardware to carry out the tests or get that done externally via a service that does that for CLO3D fashion. CLO3D has the emulator workspace built in, however you also need their hardware or other testing equipment to run the basic tests (not hard to do). Trying to jump over that testing process is down to whether or not you are prepared to spend time and money or simply default to the basic library examples that come with the software. For those whom are not prepared to invest in testing hardware it means you have to 'guess'.
Maybe post a request to CLO3D support and ask what service providers are out there prepared to do this work for you. They should have a list of those whom have their hardware, then approach those groups with your query.
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Thanks Ottoline,
Yes I checked the possibilities ,but because I work only swimwear and use one kind of fabric for sublimation , to buy the hole equipment for one fabric is not reasonable
I am thinking to write the factory and ask if they did the 3d measurement for other customer , as all the big brands work with them ? Maybe they can sell or give the data to me.
Or not ....sample selling is still a business even if they claim they are sustainable company....... maybe they are not glad with the virtual sampling......
I am curious , I will write here if I have any results :)
I have made some kind of fabric that is near , but my customer wants to make simulation of all the patterns that they have ..... So I must be as near as possible to the reality to deliver quality production patterns.
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The future of fabrics >> link
3DRC 2020 report on Digital fabric Physics Interoperability >> Report article link see download pdf report button.
NOTE: See page 10 of pdf > (5.0 Conclusions and next steps > Quote ..." This project team concluded that it is possible to measure the main five fabric physics attributes once, using one standard fabric testing kit, and derive the equivalent physics values for multiple 3D apparel software solutions." ...
I usually edit (in realtime) and delete my 'verbose' posts after a couple of days to keep content fresh ... so take a copy if you want to keep them.
Did you see my update to my last post (copy above) > it should have been emailed to you, check the links (above) regarding the 2 reports > it lists how all the 3D sampling software physical presets work relative to the international manufacturing standards for fabric testing. I listed the clause in the report that demonstrates the state of the play as of 2020, so this is pretty recent overview on what is possible with all the software vendors that do 3D sampling. It also has a detailed report on how to test a single time for all software presets with mathematical convertors for some vendor physical preset factors. eg:CLO3D. It was done by the fashion industry (retail).
For very special (performance fabrics and assemblies) cases like stretch wear, its best to take the view that even a fabric in isolation is unlikely to be accurate relative to construction across a garment. That is a fact that all 3D digital sampling skirts around and it the technical elephant constantly in the design studio that no one really wants to address, and why a real world sample still needs to be made for certain types of garment where performance fit is crucial.
However over the many decades we have always been able to overcome this even for complex performance sports garments and stretch wear, using simple production testing of base (block patterns) and then making sure these constructions are reflected back into the 3D digital sample at multiple levels of detailing. For example it is possible to make an almost 100% accurate performance garment that is mirrored in 3D digital sense. But you need to break down the problem into the right factors. A fabric preset by itself is not the solution in this case it is simply a component of the whole that you need to technically address. So if you change your digital strategy with your manufacturer YES you can certainly get 99% confidence you will get a great fitting performance garment - but that comes with strong industry experience on how to translate the garments block construction into the right components and then also develop the correct stress and strain custom charts. This is a specialist topic, that is not simply plug in a preset and hope it works. You need to factor in construction issues during the drafting and construction that also relate to testing on both house model , fitter manikin and then fabric presets that are >calibrated<. and here is where you can get back total control that allows to sample with confidence.
It's part of a workflow that falls into the bucket of 'larger digital development' & rollout > calibrated against realworld sampling to keep a set of design work tools (in software and hardware) specific to your genre of clothing making - which should always sit at the heart of your digital design strategy irrespective of what 3D digital sample making software you use.
I could maybe talk about how this is possible from paper patterns (CAD drafting) into marketing visuals (3D sampling) CG onto real world making (calibration of blocks) such that you constantly improve the 3D digital sample so it works with confidence from your block library - As your previous post reads .... you might be missing some important aspects of the overall digital 3D design process. > eg: engineering bespoke strain/stress/fit blocks and in software equivalents that sit at the heart of any good 3D digital repeat manufacturing.
This really needs to be planned for. Unfortunately CLO3D don't go into much detail on this as it's maybe really a category experience issue ... they should do more tutorial wise on some of these crucial aspects for 3D sample making ensuring users have a robust front end process for performance garments. lets face it .... now all in one knitwear factor more and more into the many new types of performance wear ... it's a growing area of concern for many. just know .... strategic restructuring with manufacturers around a digital strategy entails addressing some of the wider technical fit issues that also need to factor in calibrating fabric presets, small construction swatch details, and blocks if you do that you will get a very good result you can digitally trust. Post me if want to know more.