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Problem with Terry in Towel


  • pabloquintana

    Hey Samad. I have worked projects for mats and rug companies. Because the fur/hair settings in CLO are only a subset of those in V-Ray, I suggest you model the towels in CLO but do the rendering using the full fledged V-Ray fur shader in other software like 3DS Max. You should also explore an add-on for 3DS Max called Forest Pack which allows you to control at a per-strand level.

    If you need more help in this space you can contact me for further one-to-one consultation. pablo.quintana at

  • ottoline

    You are unlikely to get this simply using the 'limited' hair particle system in CLO3D vray, as there is a general crush frequency (secondary) effect on terry toweling close up, so this requires masking of the hair particle flow (which is not available in CLO3D vray) some perturbed physical behavior applied >  you would typically do that type of work outside in a hair grooming app. You are also missing the most important map texture for rendering twisted yarn close up and that is the specular direction off the looped pile. So in that instance for a close up rendering you need to have that texture map otherwise the pile will always look fake, and basic hair particle rendering by itself is not going to deliver that, it requires you to go outside and generate a random or controlled looped strand that can be mapped to a hair particle system, then groomed into a flow that suits the grainline weave perturbe off that fabric type. Easy to do externally, and can also be done with higher quality texture scan maps as an alternative.

    below >sometimes an option is to use better texture maps with a great specular and bump map > the weave roughness and softness complexity can be simply rendered from these in many cases even at close camera angles. Your pile is actually very crushed so I would be tempted to use better scan textures rather than a poor 3D strand loop particle model that requires lengthy grooming. In this quick realtime render below you can see how high quality images can greatly improve the bump,normal and specular so they are all working together precisely at the yarn fibre strand level. This is perhaps a better alternative in this instance. 


    Using this approach (better texture scan images) you can get some very good photoreal complexity that is great at both camera closeup and distance.  Above bed quilt.


  • samadislam

    Thank you Pablo Quintana & Ottoline,

    First of all pardon me for replying late because I was busy in other things.

    I understood & agreed with you Pablo, I have to work on both softwares CLO & 3DS Max, half here & half there. About Itoo Forest Pack plugin, I didn't use yet but sure I will try it.


    Thank you Ottoline for guidance. Yeah I'm getting that CLO-3D has limited options & I hope CLO Team will improve & upgrade this software with more advance options along with terry shape for closeup shots. Because this is required by many towel companies.

    You're right I missed the textures that's why they are looking fake and I can see in your rendered images, they looks nice. And I'm getting what I'm missing.

    Thank you so much you both for guidance & help. :)

  • ottoline

    You can get terry toweling  pretty easy if you generate the basic layering for the towel into the fabric groups as height differences,  > after < you roll it up.


    You can pretty much get any textural height you want for towels and bedding by using displacement maps then grow the fabric structure fiber loops to suit.

    >> Vray example

    Or even mesh weave the sub-straight before apply strays and hair particles, all the options are open.



    Above 3 frequencies of displacement for bedspread with the specular map doing most the grunt work on the texture (substance) where hair strands are not needed.

    TIP: The pile bump map should not be underrated or left out before you use particle fiber mesh as the distance to camera angle can often mean its grainline ( secondary base weave frequency) will be seen through the hair strand loop pile it is grown from so I often test that texture map seperately to make sure it's at a good scale and level of detail on a plain white before passing that underlying texture map onto the next workflow.


    Above 'velour' type brocade weave where the hair strand is packed so tight you really don't see it only the Fresnel, so use specular maps with some micro-bump mapping.


    Below >  I chop all the towel edge trim detailing into the towel after I roll it up, never before as that complicates the simulation or folding stage. (MD)

    No fiber strand just the PBR diffuse image below showing the texture map layout > ready to pass on to texturing to indicate where the fabric pile fiber strand needs to be grown and what rough direction they may take. And early look development as you work to just get a feel for the finished drape pose (rest) result.



    TIP: I use a one click technique to roll the towel around a custom bounding volume before simulation, (unless folding a towel or sheet). Which usually only takes a few seconds and speeds up the drape process.

    TIP: Sheet folding (below) can be done using the manual fold line tool and then release the tight folds. I also set the additional collision thickness and additional render thickness on the pattern pieces (and trim edging) to the final 'pile' height that will be made in  any next workflow particle simulation and if woven, ... to the max displacement map height. This way you can export a thin mesh model only to the next workflow and the mesh surface will sit at the midway point so all surfaces will be perfectly set such that there is no intersection. So a little pre-planning on the fabric surface offset(s) for folded or rolled items is crucial.

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