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  • isabelcrosby2

    Ok apparently this is a different issue. Oddly enough, my textures show in my file, but the texture images aren't there, which is why I assume I can not edit them. Anyone have an idea why this is? Is 6.0 or 6.1 (I'm trying both) no longer able to find a texture image if it's not in it's original location? This is a file taken off a hard drive. Not sure where the original texture image is. Is this an issue going forward like linked files in Adobe?

    Thanks again!

  • CLO Designers

    Hi isabelcrosby2

    Thanks for your sharing. 

    Before editing fabric texture, did you click on the pattern first to activate the rescale icon? If it's in grey, it means the tool is deactivated and you cannot edit the texture size and rotation. If it's in black, it means the tool is activated.

    Wondering the texture image is still show in CLO 3D garment after you move the image's folder location?

  • isabelcrosby2

    I'm embarrassed to say, I figured this out. I didn't realize I had made the file with graphics instead of texture images. I tried to come back and delete this post, but evidently that's not possible! Feature request :D 

    Sorry for this!

  • CLO Designers

    No worries. Good to know the problem was solved! :P

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