Accidentally clicking Fitting Suit makes pattern disappear
One of my students had a garment on their avatar, and was going into Avatar Editor to do some changes to the size. They accidentally clicked on "Fitting Suit" and subsequently the pattern disappeared from both 3D and 2D window. Clicking reset in the Fitting Suit window did not help and neither did ctrl z. I cannot believe there would be a function that if you accidentally click it, and without any warnings at all, your work back to the last save should just go away?
How do we solve this?
Hi tag3d,
Thank you for your report. As you have also opened a ticket with tech support on the issue, we are closing this post for comments. In case of someone coming across this thread here after searching for the same problem: This appears to not be a bug but more of a feature improvement that has been noted (e.g. adding a warning message).