clo makes a big mistake when drawing clothes
this is the wrong pattern drawing!
Mold cannot be removed with CLO,
sorry this software is useless.
I have been studying this topic for 6 months
CLO destroyed all my dreams.
This is the wrong pattern drawing!
Mold cannot be removed with CLO,
sorry this software is useless.
I've been working on this for 6 months
CLO ruined all my dreams.
If a clothing company receives a lot of orders with this software and cannot mold with CLO, it will go bankrupt. Because of this CLO, that company goes bankrupt. This is a very devastating mistake. It can never be forgiven. Sorry CLO can't do what it promised.
If he can't do that, what else does he do? walking or dancing?
CLO cannot make patterns, so it won't do anything!TR/
Bu yanlış desen çizimi!
CLO ile kalıp çıkarılamaz,
üzgünüm bu yazılım işe yaramaz.
6 aydır bunun üzerinde çalışıyorum
CLO tüm hayallerimi mahvetti.
Bir giyim firması bu yazılımla çok fazla sipariş alırsa ve CLO ile kalıplanamazsa iflas eder. Bu CLO yüzünden, o şirket iflas etti. Bu çok yıkıcı bir hata. Asla affedilemez. Üzgünüm CLO söz verdiği şeyi yapamaz.
Bunu yapamazsa, başka ne yapar? yürümek mi dans mı?
CLO desen yapamaz, bu yüzden hiçbir şey yapmaz!0 -
I would be very interested to see how you would cut that bottom pattern from a piece of fabric.
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Hello year,
I am a garment designer with over ten years of experience, and I think the pattern shape CLO presented is workable.
If you need the neck opening to be wider at the top, I suggest changing the dart to a seam to give you the shape that you want. :)0 -
CLO3D doesn't draw the clothes for you - perhaps that is the mistake in ones thinking - it's the 'drafts-person' whom generates the pattern using pattern making & (CAD) drafting skills, whom then guides the 'puck' (mouse). Get that order correct and then everything the computer draws can be correct from that point on-wards no matter the software toolset.
There are features inside CLO3D that assist construction maybe you need to think about how you approach pattern making with CLO3D - many users are getting great pattern sampling performance from the toolset with early visualization and leveraging shared (communication) workspaces and QA controlled techpacks.
To dance you 1st have to move your feet to the right rhythm. CLO3D is not the same as other fashion CAD applications in how it generates some drafting details so you might have to change your tune to get the most out of it if you want the downstream business benefits it can bring. And there are a lot of benefits to CLO3D in speeding construction into digital samples at the front end of garment development and pushing them into production through cloud based technical documentation and pattern drafts. Maybe explore it a little deeper as it may be to your loss, that you ultimately miss out on the strengths of deploying CLO3D into your process.
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My question is - how you cut your pattern in fabric? It seems to be impossible if you don't cut out whole upper part and place it elsewhere in fabric. And if you do also CLO will ba able to work on that. I have never seen pattern made in this way, pattern parts can't cover themselves and I don't think any Fashion CAD software permits creating this kind of pattern.
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Here is the real proof. There is n
o need for empty words.
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The one on the left ok, it is something absolutely normal but still don't understand how you cut correctly on fabric pattern or right. How you place it in the way you have fabric for both parts that cover themselves? It's not to tell you you are wrong, I've just never seen pattern made in this way so I am curious.
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I agree the Lookstaylor is better at unfolding surfaces. Use the same mannequin to compare. Help clo, make an additional incision to help clo. Clo have many other benefits.You still won't be able to carve this out of one piece of fabric into a concave surface. Then why say that the program is bad?
And in general, you wrote in the wrong thread. This is a section of tips and tricks. Post in another thread.
If you don't like the program, just do not renew your subscription.1 -
This mold is a very difficult one. First, 2 pieces of fabric are placed on the plastic mannequin exactly so that the clamp places coincide. then fixed to the body. The top should overlap the other, because the neck is straight and the body is more inclined at one angle. Then it is drawn into a 2-dimensional mold by giving seam allowance between 2 parts. Then he gets up. The result and implementation are both correct and perfect. CLO throws straight darts or is not standard, but gives a triangle shaped fake dart, but this never happens even if it is drawn inclined: What if a designer could not do this with virtual software without a physical mannequin? becomes zero. So CLO cannot do this job. The software I sent you does this. It has really great success. Do not forget that; Everything starts with the design first, the mold is the next job. If I had trusted this software and made it, I would lose it, there would be no result. but I thank God I was able to achieve everything by thinking very precisely with manual measurement, trying and sewing it many times.TR/ TÜRKÇE / TÜRKİYE /İSTANBUL
Bu kalıp çok zor bir kalıp. Önce plastik manken üzerine 2 adet kumaş tam olarak kelepçe yerleri çakışacak şekilde yerleştirilir. sonra vücuda sabitlenir. Üst kısım diğeriyle örtüşmelidir, çünkü boyun düzdür ve gövde bir açıda daha eğimlidir. Daha sonra 2 parça arasında dikiş payı verilerek 2 boyutlu kalıba çekilir. Sonra kalkar. Sonuç ve uygulama hem doğru hem de mükemmel. CLO düz dart atar veya standart değildir, ancak üçgen şeklinde sahte bir dart verir, ancak bu eğimli çizilse bile asla olmaz: Ya bir tasarımcı bunu fiziksel bir manken olmadan sanal yazılımla yapamazsa? sıfır olur. Yani CLO bu işi yapamaz. Size gönderdiğim yazılım bunu yapıyor. Gerçekten büyük bir başarısı var. Bunu unutma; Her şey önce tasarımla başlar, kalıp sonraki iştir. Bu yazılıma güvenip yapsaydım, onu kaybederdim, sonuç olmazdı. ama şükürler olsun ki, manuel ölçümle çok hassas düşünerek, defalarca deneyip dikerek her şeyi başardım.@Wad:
I didn't say I didn't like the program. But I'm a designer, it doesn't solve my job, it constrains me and does it wrong. However, a 3D designer can never work with this program! Why didn't you write it like LookStailor? Let CLO do that and they will have done a very, very excellent job. The 3D avatar drawing mode should also do this. fabrics cannot be ignored. LookStailor information so they can intercept each other and just do what I'm using CLO, that would be my chief crown. But believe me, I was disappointed that I couldn't.Thanks to all my friends for their attention, I hope you solve this great 3d problem, because I am sure you will do it very easily, I pay my respects. When you do this, I prefer CLO, not LookStailor, because I'm the designer.
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If CLO is doing the right thing, keep doing it.
CLO doğru şeyi yapıyorsa, yapmaya devam edin.0 -
The ultimate aim of a 3D apparel program is to be able to make a garment in fabric. You may be able to draw that pattern piece but it cannot be cut from a single piece of cloth. Show me a cutter who can.
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There are many ways to make patterns in CLO. It seems the initial post pattern example was using a function called Flattening. The pattern result is very jagged and angular because the points in-between corner areas are all controlled with segment points (segment points are black). If some areas are controlled with curve points instead you will get a much better result. When drawing with the flattening tool, if you hold CTRL/CMD when you click, the point placed will be a curve point. Curve points are orange and can only be seen when on the Edit Curve Point tool.
Neck Dart - To our understanding a pattern shape with overlapping parts (as your desired examples with the overlapping dart shape) will not be able to be physically cut from one continuous piece of fabric. If this were cut from paper an extension would need to be taped on to create the overlap, also not from a continuous piece of paper. This is the reason the function spreads darts open rather than allow overlaps.
Flattening Tutorial - There are some additional controls explained in this tutorial that can improve your pattern shape outcome, such as curve points and the function "Flatten as Straight line"
2D Pattern Drafting Tutorials - There is also an abundance of traditional 2D functions that will allow patternmakers to achieve the shapes they need, whether starting from the flattening tool and editing after, or drafting directly in the 2D window.
Entire Beginners Guide Playlist:
Thanks everyone for your posts, replies and input!
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i think you have to study clo3d more & more
there are a lot of way that make a pattern in clo3d
pls check the attached img. And i think you should be modesty
do not mention about seamline . if you do, you prove stupid yourself
thanks have a good day ~