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Issues with Rendering Animation


  • CLO Designers

    Hi! Sorry to hear that you are having this problem. We are aware of this issue and are hoping that this issue will not happen within CLO 6.0 which will be released soon.


  • aimeegreen

    hi, i am using 6.0 CLO and still having this same issue whilst rendering the animation. 

    is there a solution for this quickly  or will this need to be worked on by the developers to fix?



  • ritaroslin

    Hi, I'm also using 6.0 CLO and have the same issue. 

    After some more research and trials I've noticed that this only occurs when I animate my own custom Avatar and motion from mixamo.

    I did one animation with the Emma-avatar + one of the motion files that already exist just to see if I had the same issue, but that render went really smooth. 

    Does that match your scenarios? 


    Anyhow, would be really sweet if it got fixed in a near future :)


  • aimeegreen

    Hi ritaroslin

    I am using the clo avatar and motion file and still having to click each time for each frame to render. ideally I want to lave my computer and come back and its finished but this is not the case. 

    I have reached out to the clo support team who are working on the file for me so once I have an update on this I will let you know here. 


  • ritaroslin

    Hi aimeegreen

    Ah, alright. So that wasn't the issue then. 

    It's definitely a must to be able to leave the computer rendering, so I'm super grateful & curious to hear what they have to say about your file :)


  • smanderg

    Has anyone heard about a resolution this issue? I am also having the same issue where when I render the animation I have to sit at the screen and click the window to be active. 

    I've tried everything from setting the program to be high priority to testing a smaller region of the play area, to changing the max render time, and it still doesn't change frames, just stuck on "Rendering Image X/XX, 100%" and I need to click the window each time to move it forward. 

  • aimeegreen

    hi ritaroslin & smanderg

    I managed to figure out a way to let the animation render run without having to click the mouse. 

    whilst in animation mode, add the animation to the avatar and then record this as you would normally do. once this has finished recording, set the frames to the desired numbers that you want to render if you only want to render a specific part, if you want to render the entire animation, you don't need to do this. drag the slider back to the beginning so that the avatar is positioned at the beginning of the animation.


    now go out of animation mode and into simulation mode. click render and render from the simulation mode, not animation mode. here you can being to adjust the settings and make sure you click to render animation from the drop down box in image editor and either select entire or play region and also tick the box for save video.


    once you begin the render, you should find this runs smooth without the need of clicking after each frame renders.


    Hope this helps :)

  • smanderg

    Thanks aimeegreen

    I have tried to do this but unfortunately I'm still having issues with the app fully rendering all frames. 

    Now it likes to choose which frames to render. I've tried to change the render settings too but this time instead of it moving and clicking I'm now stuck at rendering image "XX/XX, at 0%" Which is weird because I've upgraded my PC and have only had these problems since then. :(



  • nicolekaii

    I have had these issues since upgrading my PC too! I wonder if it's related to one of the parts? What specs are your PC? Mine are the highly recommended Clo specs

  • smanderg

    Not sure, but it's quite frustrating. My specs are:
    Intel Core i9 - 9900k 3.6 GHZ
    32 GB RAM
    Video Card: GeForce RTX 2070 Super 8GB DDR6

  • smanderg

    Sorry forgot to mention nicolekaii I also run Windows 10. 

    Oh and for further details on rendering woes, I have tried different rendering max times, noise thresholds, etc. 
    So far I have adopted rendering garments at 100 frame increments (which is extremely tedious and has tied up my computer for at least a week to render 7 garments)
    I still find that I have to force quit Clo to finish rendering the last set of 100 frames every time. 
    Really after this project I'm going to see how much effort it is to export my files into another program like Blender, as this took way too much time when it didn't before the last update.

    Admin Any word on if there is a bug for the render engine? It seems weird to have this issue after upgrading a PC. (and updating the client) 
    Or are there any updates coming soon?

  • kwoehr814

    Admin having this issue with the new release. This time it always stops on frame 10. I've tried with various files that I have successfully rendered animations with in the past. 

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