Render Animation
I am trying to render an animation in DAZ Studios. I exported an OBJ Sequence from clo3d Version 5.0. My steps:
1. take default avatar from clo.
2. animate this avatar in mixamo and download it.
3. import the fbx into clo, dress it.
4. record the animation incl avatar and garment
5. export as obj sequence incl. textures.
6. import first part of obj sequence (first obj) into DAZ Studios 4.11
Here the first problem appears: I import the OBJ and tick then option *import incl. texture files* but there wont show up colors and texture files. The OBJ is blank white/ greyish
7. Then I import the other OBJs as morph and am looking for the script animorph. But its not there So I wouldnt be able to create the *stop motion* from the obj sequence.
I am using this tutorial. I just didn't creta the avtar and the garment in DAZ STudios:
Thank you for your support!
Hi Katherine. I will try to help with the import of the OBJ files. In regards to animation I hope someone with more experience can join the conversation and help.
One small thing, can you delete the other post so we can concentrate on this one?
In regards to the textures of the OBJ, make sure when you are exporting from CLO you are selecting Save with Texture Files (ZIP). Then, unzip the file and have all the textures in the same folder as the OBJ and MTL file when importing into DAZ.
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When I export an OBJ Sequence I dont have the same export options as when I am exporting an normal OBJ. But anyway I can see that the MTL file is exported as well just not in a zip file. Also the other OBJS are not zipped.
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Katherine, can you check if besides the OBJ and MTL file the files specified in the MTL file are also in the same folder as these two files? You can see the MTL file with any text editor. I'd recommend Notepad++ a free very powerful editor for Windows.
This could be the issue with the materials not appearing in DAZ after you export from CLO.