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Creating an Absolute Beginners and Intermediate Online Course - Your feedback requested


  • ottoline

    The common thing all generations now have is the continued act of learning. Whether you are a seasoned pro or learning at university or self taught. That is where we all share common ground.

  • admarcheleta

    I just got on the clo community to learn more and found this thread. I am a fashion designer using clo to do product development and pattern making because I cannot afford Gerber and I find it to dense anyway. That said I just wanted to put in my 2 cents as someone who is specifically making patterns and has used other pattern software. I would love to see tool based videos to understand fully what each button is used for and maybe an unconventional use of it if there is one. As the tools begin to interact some project videos would be useful. I also think that the projects could focus on building a pattern library of blocks to manipulate on our own later. Making a tshirt is fine but there's not much editing to do with that on my own after. If I could learn with the video to use all the tools to make a dress with darts and a gathered skirt, I would use that garment over and over to make other designs. Also I would like to learn some in depth rendering techniques as I am new to that but it would totally change my career. Thanks P!

  • pabloquintana

    Welcome admarcheleta and thank you so much for taking the time to add to this thread. Things have progressed slowly in terms of the training development lately. For one I've gotten a tons of projects and secondly we are preparing an online survey using other channels to try and reach more CLO users.

    I agree that Accumark is out of reach for freelancers or small companies for CAD pattern making. I'm a CLO ambassador, and even though I enjoy working with CLO a lot, I know the 2D CAD functionalities are limited for now. I'm sure that will change as new features are added to this great software. My personal preference for CAD is PAD System ( You can get the version, which is only $60 per month with no period commitment, or $45 per month on an annual commitment. Check it out.

    I encourage you to use this forum to post your questions. There are many very knowledgeable users here willing to help. The more you post the bigger and more active this community becomes.

    Welcome again!




  • theharddrive

    Hey Pablo,


    Online courses are a great idea!


    I learned Cinema 4d about 4 years ago and used Greyscale Gorilla for their online tutorials. They were really helpful and gave me a good start with the software.


    I found the most helpful tutorials were the ones that started by creating an object from scratch. Basically, people would write in saying "How do you make this?" in regards to a visual artist/motion designers work and the guys would post videos analyzing the work and then having a go at recreating the object all live.





  • pabloquintana

    Hey N (theharddrive). Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. It is my personal preference too to learn using project based training. We are in the phase of collecting more information from CLO's user base via a Survey that should be out soon.

    C4D, I've heard great things about it. Particularly from a guy named Ash Thorp (The Collective Podcast). Have you listened to these podcasts? If not, they are a great resource for artists. You can find it on Spotify and at


  • theharddrive

    C4D was a great introduction to 3d because there are so many online tutorials available. I know of Ash but have never listened to his podcast.

    I am completely new to CLO so am eager to watch any tutorials that are available.

    In regards to the survey being conducted, will that information be made public? I am actually studying an MA in innovation in fashion at LCF, looking at how supply chains can be made leaner and more agile. I would be fascinated to know where CLO is popular/being used the most. CLO seems very appealing for students and small designers because of the low cost, accessibility and how user-friendly it is. I could definitely see this moving into the industry via those smaller businesses using it.

  • pabloquintana

    Super recommended podcasts. Check them out.

    About the survey, yes, I will make the aggregate results public after consulting with some people. I wouldn't want to bite the hand that feeds me. =)

    I agree with you. CLO is awesome for Small Businesses and freelancers (the freelancing economy is exploding BTW).

    We can be in touch via or drop me a line at I'd love to learn more about your findings in the supply chain part of the industry.



  • rabezakb

    I think we should open a facebook group so we connect more easily 

    share our difficulties also  we get connected more easily  

  • ikafx

    Or a free Slack workgroup for those that do not like using Facebook and social media. 

  • pabloquintana

    +1 Ikafx. Rabezakb, I'm not a Facebook user (never was and never will, buahahaha. In your face MZ).

    Anyhow, I believe this forum serves that same purpose. I'm not sure we need to duplicate it in some other platform. Do you find this platform not useful?



  • rabezakb

    i find it very useful but i feel we need to be better connected 

    since a lot of us are very new to this platform and need guidance

    anyway it was just a suggestion 



  • manumedha

    finally I see the forum working for new leaners

    1) starting from basic introduction step by step is very important, describing each key in the window. 

    2) cost of such course is biggest point. most of us who are joining here are freelance and in coming time I am sure lot of talented people will join if we keep the pricing affordable. Like adobe doing with CC subscription with target user. now they have fixed users who are paying with annual commitments that way its affordable as well. hope CLO and Pablo will work together  to form a platform which is affordable in future. 

    I am just trying my hand with the software and finding very difficult to work due to scattered or not so good instruction videos in site.

    Most of us in the forum i have noticed learnt the software with long learning curve and want as consolidated place of informations.

    Every one learn by searching too much you tube videos and forum, Facebook. we need technology to ease thing and save time. but without a proper teaching module its more time consuming and I feel some people might have left it in between as well due to this. 

    on site videos are too blur , fast no sound. too tough to understand how a particular task was done

  • calli

    CLO offers in person training for enterprise users. I don't understand why they are unwilling to provide, perhaps with enough interest, an in person intro training for individual users. I exhausted the free trial and am waiting for a reliable education platform, class, training, to jump in and purchase the membership. Will check back in on this forum periodically to see if there has been progress. Any NYC in person class recommendations are welcome.

  • pabloquintana

    Calli, I believe that the price of an individual license will not warrant the training effort. Enterprise licenses are in the thousands of USD per year per seat. That makes economical sense.

    I'm sure will never go wrong by getting a very small price license for an amazing software, which with enough work on your side, you could even make a living out of this.


    Unfortunately workload has been super high, and this project has been relegated a bit.

    As for training in NYC you can look for Kazuyo on this forum, or if I can be of assistance I can do them online or in person for larger groups.



  • danielemanassero

    Hi Pablo you're absolutly right.

    I think the first step in everu learnig process of a software is get confortable with icons&tool. 

    Hovering over the icons in Clo give the link to the manual and a short video too. Isn't this enough starting from scratch?
    I know this can be boring and heavy to deal with, but even the longest journey start with a first step.

    On the Clo YouTube channel there are many tutorials too.
    I had  a training at the beginning but, Calli, I assure you, that all my improvements come from the internet by wonderful Clo's users, Pablo is one of them.


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