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Render Crashes Render via CLOSET not accessible


  • dorelle22

    No one answered... it is still crashing. When is the update release date?

  • dorelle22

    Someone needs to try running both 4.2.242 and 5.0.100 on the same computer... then see if render in 5.0.100 crashes.

    There is like 10 reasons why I need to run 4.2.242. and 2 reasons why I have 5.0.100 - can we get any update soon there are so many issues!

  • dorelle22

    rendering via CLOSET 3D avatar issue

  • Lea

    Hi dorelle22 ,

    Sorry for the late checking!!

    The latest 5.0.156 version has been released recently! Would you please try it out?

    In the meantime, let me share this issue with our dev team and let you know soon.

    Plus, if you elaborate on 10 reasons why 4.2.242 is better than 5.0, I will also check what the problem is!




  • Lea

    Oh one more!

    For rendering via CLOSET 3D avatar issue, please share the project file, if you do not mind! Will investigate further with the file.


  • dorelle22

    There are so many changes and some are not good. I don't know how you guys are doing versions without animation. This was critical. the fact that you cannot have 4.2.242 and 5.0.156 run at the same time will leave users in a jam. (trouble) what about the work we have already done, poses, animation etc. It was a viable workflow now we are stuck with 2 poses. Mara why she can be manipulated to have better body proportions her morph is lacking. her body is not true to form. Some changes are for the better but some need to come back or be tweaked. We installed the 5.0.156 at work today... it is not received well and I work at a very large company international US, Korea, Shanghai, Hong Kong...

    1- NO more Animation!!
    2- No more dynamic poses - how can we judge fit?
    3- High Heels - all models have sneakers what if you are making a ballgown on Kelly?
    4- bounding Volume and Arrangement point separated - but why? confused
    5- Mara -High Heels and Shoe pose not automatic
    6- Legs too close together on avatar - no option and not good for swimwear
    7- Avatar measure lines do not disappear when the editor is closed
    8- New Avatar does not stay on the floor when transitioning to heels
    9- Skin offset is changed now - to .3 instead of 3.0 - confusing
    10- Mara is too slouched -front Apex to low shoulder too slope

    I will keep testing this week at home and at work. All the best.

  • Lea

    Hey dorelle22 ,

    Sorry for the belated reply due to a week-long CLO company conference.

    Please let me firstly talk about the render & CLOSET problem.

    For a render problem, it seems you got a new graphic card recently. If so, please remove the previous version of graphic card driver and re-install the latest one. Please let me know if it does not work. On the other hand, there is a mesh crashing issue in CLOSET and is being fixed at the moment.

    According to your previous comments, let me check and get back to you soon.



  • Lea

    Please check my answer in bold & italic below! 

    There are so many changes and some are not good. I don't know how you guys are doing versions without animation. This was critical. the fact that you cannot have 4.2.242 and 5.0.156 run at the same time will leave users in a jam. (trouble) what about the work we have already done, poses, animation etc.It was a viable workflow now we are stuck with 2 poses. Mara why she can be manipulated to have better body proportions her morph is lacking. her body is not true to form. Some changes are for the better but some need to come back or be tweaked. We installed the 5.0.156 at work today... it is not received well and I work at a very large company international US, Korea, Shanghai, Hong Kong... > Lately we released the new patch, 5.0.162version, please try out with it and let me know if you need further assistance.

    1- NO more Animation!! > Some animations will be added in the next patch version. Please hang tight.
    2- No more dynamic poses - how can we judge fit? >Unfortunately, we are planning to add some more poses for new avatars at the moment but cannot be sure exactly when. Please make your own poses until then.
    3- High Heels - all models have sneakers what if you are making a ballgown on Kelly? > Due to a technical reason, the high heels for Kelly&Emma has not been added but we are also planning on it.
    4- bounding Volume and Arrangement point separated - but why? confused >Techinically, if there is an Arrangement Point, Bounding Volume must exist. Is this what you are curious about? 
    5- Mara -High Heels and Shoe pose not automatic >This is also on our list in the future version.
    6- Legs too close together on avatar - no option and not good for swimwear >For this, it is recommended to adjust the joint of a pelvis with Show X-ray Joint. 
    7- Avatar measure lines do not disappear when the editor is closed >It was our bug and has been fixed in the latest 5.1.162 version. 
    8- New Avatar does not stay on the floor when transitioning to heels >Due to some technical reasons, currently, it seems difficult to fix it right away. Please use the avatar after moving down the avatar with Show X-ray Joint. 
    9- Skin offset is changed now - to .3 instead of 3.0 - confusing >It has been fixed in the patch version.
    10- Mara is too slouched -front Apex to low shoulder too slope >Please try out the "Flatonfloor_A.pos" file in the latest patch version.

    Hope this helps.

    Best, Lea.

  • valery

    Hello, Support team!

    Recently downloaded trial 5.0.252 keeps crashing when Render tried. Any scene's content and Render's property tweeking didn't change the result.

    The rest modes work fine!

    Could you advise anything to resolve the problem?


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