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  • vadsura

    It is very simple.
    1. Sew a straight strip of the appropriate length.
    2. Use Ctrl+]

  • olivokalova

    All right. Thanks! How did you sew the strip to the neckline? Did you offset the neckline as an internal line? And then you sewed the straight strip on? I am new to clo, need a little bit more info:-)

  • vadsura

    Yes, it shifted the inner line 0.2 and then further 0.5 cm. Measured the length obtained, made a rectangular pattern with inner lines.  Stitched his throat and hook over these lines, applied to the set  particle dist = 5 . Made a superimpos. If the simulation is not correct, you can use layers. Then the finishing line, if necessary, and will be closeup.
    If you wanted so much detail.

  • olivokalova

    Brilliant! Thanks a lot.

  • vadsura

    You're welcome.  Use it.

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