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  • vadsura

    I need to do a fitting of industrial clothes on standard European sizes.
    I took an avatar and drove the numbers from the Alvanon table. All avatars that I get from the table Alvanon have a large, bulging belly like in pregnant women. You did not correctly distribute the morphs. Everything is added forward. The back is very perebisty, so the belly is big.
    The legs above the knees have an unnatural thickening. Feet shape. Shin arched, Ankle must move back.

  • vadsura

    Drop the waist for an avatar below. No one measures the waist under the ribs. Waist is measured at the narrowest point. Where did you see such a high waist. Either make a normal scan or hire a sculptor who knows anatomy. Very raw work

  • dorelle22

    Avatar Pose on the floor NOT on the floor

  • dorelle22

    Avatar - Shoes come off of feet

  • dorelle22

    Avatar heels - NOT CORRECT - Mara - A million sad faces :(

  • arhimed

    there is good news. You can apply animation of old avatars (from version 4.2.)

  • dorelle22

    @arhimed I agree it is possible but the coders need to look at it and add it back since her foot position is not accurate. Your model is walking out of her measurement :D

    My model foot pose is off.

  • arhimed

  • dorelle22

    I am surprised no one has answered this post it is not a small subject.

    See the video has all the glitches in it, plus some more

  • Lea

    Hi arhimed  and dorelle22 ,

    Sorry for my belated reply.

    I am checking these issues with the developer in charge of avatars!

    Let me get back to you ASAP!



  • Lea

    arhimed  & dorelle22 

    Hi guys,

    First of all, it is so much appreciated for you guys to report all these issues :) Based on your feedback, our Dev team is constantly working to make an improved Avatar Editing. Let me explain the issues in order first and then I'll deliver the rest of the issues after the additional investigation.


    1. It is an issue caused by uneven mesh and the developer is trying to involve the fixed avatars in the near future version.


    2. Avatars are based on data that actually scan of person's body so that all avatars are not identical in appearance. May I ask if the appearance of the avatar like the above is uncomfortable to work with a garment? Thanks in advance.


    3. It will be fixed soon in the near future version! :)


    4. When applying a pose to a new avatar, open with "Joint Rotation Only" to load normal pose as expected.


    5. dorelle22 , would you let me know exactly how this issue occurs?


    6. As you may know, there are four poses for an avatar. 01_De & 02_Attention poses are for high heels and 03_Flatfloor_Dafault & 04_Flatfloor_Attention poses are for flat shoes. The above issue happens when a pose for flat is loaded with high heels on.


    7. Motions will be involved in the near future version, maybe 5.1. Also, new motions and poses will be added together. Please hang tight!


    8. This issue will also be fixed in the near further version with the #1 issue.


    Please let me know if you have any further questions and, as I mentioned at first, I'll get back to you with the other issues later.

    Best, Lea.


  • olga19

  • arhimed

  • Lea

    9. Feedback for

    1. Avatar Editor (Hi olga19, please refer to it!)
      There is a manual named Adjust Avatar Size (ver5.0.0 and Above) on our website. Please note that in order to get realistic shapes for body parts without assignable measurements, use the Total Body option to create an overall shape and then insert measurements under the Details option. 

    2. Arrangement Points
      It will be fixed in the next patch version! You can workaround with 'Reset Bounding Volumes' via Arrangement tab.

    3. Pose
      Please refer to issue #4.

    4. Shoes
      Please refer to issue #5.

    5. Floating
      This issue will be fixed with open the right pose! :)


    Hi arhimed ,

    Would you please let me know how I can replicate this symptom?




  • arhimed

    I using the Total Body option to create an overall shape "Total Height"

  • olga19

  • dorelle22


    I was able to get a very close measurement using the Alvanon chart. I noticed some of the same issues. Mainly when the heel pose is applied it throws all the Avatar and all the measurements off. I have to use 2 avatars. One with heels and one without. Below is the result. I find the heels pose is the issue along with some of the non-adjustable points being misaligned. I made a few errors only slight from one avatar but most points are the same.

  • dorelle22

    Also following this measurement and not the actual sleeve length helped to reduce the bulge. 

  • Lea

    Hi guys,


    Sorry for my belated comment! It was a bit hectic last week. Wow, your interests in avatar editing are enormous! Thanks. Let me deliver the developer’s feedback in order!

    • Hi arhimed 

      Please note that there is a slight distortion of the face depending on the height of avatars due to the currently applied algorithm. Below pic is for a reference. This feedback has been shared to the developer and they will try to improve this symptom in the future version.

    • Hey olga19 
      It is related to the symmetric problem and will be fixed soon.
      Hey, dorelle22  please refer to this comment!

    • Hi vadsura 
      Thanks for your detailed opinion. Sadly, it seems a bit difficult to change things above since they are related to an already defined join point which is related to development algorithm of the avatar editing. However, your opinion has been delivered to the developer so she will consider them later, even if it is not in the near future version. Thanks!!

    • Hi dorelle22 
      It was our bug and will be fixed in the near patch version so please hang tight! The developer has been aware of this issue so she will fix it soon.
      The developer has been aware of this issue so she will fix it soon.




  • Lea

    Dear ottoline,

    There was a problem of skeleton and skin being separated in our beta version, and the official 5.0.100 version was recently released. In official 5.0.100 version, almost every problem was solved and included. It is highly recommended trying out our official version and let me know if you have any further opinion on this.



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