Enhancing the Quality of Garments for Rendering
Hi All!
Not sure if you've gotten a chance to check out the new tutorial posted on CLO's youtube channel!
Check it out -I go over everything from enhancing/refining garments/styling them and then going over the render functions. Hope it's helpful!
Also, what future tutorials would you like to see on the channel? I'm thinking about doing one about Avatars, what do you all think?
Thanks for this tutorial!! Super helpful :)
Yes, an avatar's tutorial would be nice.
Here you have a couple more ideas:
- An overview of construction for different types of pockets, speciallly those with pleats, gussets, intricate folds (I am mostly refering to cargo pockets but I guess It would be nice to see other kind of pockets as well)
- More on how to create custom trims such as different kind of stoppers and other hard, non-flat elements.