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Create your own OBJ sequins and apply them with button tool in CLO


  • danielemanassero

    Hi theblondedon,
    Thanks for this post, I tried and it almost worked.
    My problem is when I use the sequins they don't still close to the fabrics as you can see from the image below.
    I'm sure the obj was exported in the right way.
    Can you help me to solve that? Thanks in advance.

  • craesnyder2


    Thanks for this post!

    I am trying a similar process to make a simple custom button by exporting an OBJ from CLO.

    What does it mean if this message appears?


  • craesnyder2

    Never mind, I figured it out, I had it positioned on the wrong center intersection. Once I fixed that it worked!

  • theblondedon

    Glad you figured it out - just in case for anyone else who gets the same error - This message will appear when the OBJ is NOT at the 0-0-0 point (center) of the 3D Grid when exported as an OBJ.  - See the image below showing this point. Your part must be centered over this point before export. 

    It is also important that no part of your piece is BELOW the 3D Grid upon export as OBJ. If any parts are sticking below the grid you may get issues where the button sticks on sideways instead of face up and flat. 




  • theatruongvn

    i have problem same as danielemanassero :( and one more is, when i add the button on the fabric, It's still remaining on the same position (when I export the obj file) at X/Y-ais .

    Could you please help me? Thanks a lots.


  • raj1985


    I have created sequins pattern and exported as per all instructions but unable to import the button.

    as "OK"  button not enabled to click.

    Would you please help me?


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