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Grading editor issue


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Anthony! Sorry for the inconvenience. Let me check with our developer and get back to you ASAP!

  • anthonytooman

    Thanks Erica,

    Yeah, the grading module is a bit buggy.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Anthoy,

    Sorry for the belated reply. Our developer could not replicate the same issue. Would you be able to send us your file via contact us form?

    Thank you!

  • admarcheleta

    I have this issue with version 6.

    When I'm grading in offset I put in the desired values and then when I click out or onto another point, it changes to something illogically off from what I set it to. Also when I put in a value for all x-axis, it adds that value to each value down the column rather than changing all the values to what i input for all (it actually doesn't change the numbers when it adds it, just on the piece).


    Honestly, grading is the only thing I hate about Clo. Its already such a tedious process and then to have it constantly changing while you're typing is really irritating. Please make more detailed videos on grading so we know how the functions are supposed to work because it's nowhere near as intuitive as it is working on other pattern software. If the developer can't recreate the issue he must know exactly how the function works that's not common sense to some of us who are used to different software.

    While we're on the subject, what is the point of size groups?

  • admarcheleta

    I just changed all of these points to .125 on the x and 0 on the y. I click a different point and when i come back, since it clearly didn't acknowledge the change on the pattern, it changes to :


  • admarcheleta

    This is me changing the value for All Y to 0 @...

    When I come back to the point this is the values which have no relation that I can see.

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