How do I fix patterns with bezier curve points?
Q: When I use the Polygon Tool the first point loses half of the anchor. Is there a way to fix this?
A: Yes!
Step 1: Draw the polygon. When you close the pattern shape, it will lose the handle.
Step 2: Select the Edit Curvature Tool from the 2D Toolbar and gently pull the curve.
Step 3: Select the Edit Pattern Tool from the 2D Toolbar and click on the point. Both handles should appear. When you move the handle of one side, the other will hide, but if you click again on the point, it will show up again.
Alternatively, right-click on the point to convert it to a Curve Point, and use the Edit Curve Point Tool to adjust the shape.
I'm trying to do similar to the above and control the curvature of the splines, but the control handles do not appear.
I am trying to do so on curve points that are on patterns that have been flattened from an avatar.