Expressing drawstring
Hi everyone!
I am currently working on some hoodies and thought I could share some tips on how to make drawstrings.
The method could be a bit tricky so if anyone has any faster or better way of doing it please let me know!
1. Using Rectangle tool to create a pattern (drawstring) and attach the drawstring to the location you want
2. In order to tie a knot at the edge of the drawstring, change the drawstring's Particle Distance and Add'I Thickness - Collision value & Add'I Thickness - Rendering value.
For instance, I have changed the value to around 2 - 3 mm and the Add'I Thickness - Collision value to 10, in order to keep the knot and preventing it 'melts' and losing the knot.
Change the value of Add'I Thickness - Rendering to give the thickness of the drawstring, I have added 1mm to the drawstring rendering value.
*Remember to change the settings of Add'I Thickness - Collision back into 2.5 or 1 at the end.
3. Using Pin tool ( Pressing W key + left click on mouse ) to tie the knot on the string, at this stage using Gizmo tool would be very handy for dragging the small pins.
4. After getting the shape you want, use the Pin Box / Lasso tool to hold the shape of the knot, remember to leave the edge of the string.
5. Adding internal lines by using Offset as Internal Line and add 2 internal lines to the edge.
6. Sew the second internal line to the edge of the drawstring, and input the Fold Angle value as 0° for the first internal line.
7. Use Fold Arrangement tool to fold the edge.
8. Select the fabric of the drawstring and change the fabric's Physical Property - Preset to Trim_Hardware.
9. Adding drawstring texture to the patterns, adjusting the size of the artwork by using Edit Texture tool in both 2D / 3D window.
10. Increase the intensity of the Normal Map (under Property Editor->Texture) to show the texture of the drawstring and change the color.
11.Copy the finished drawstring with right click on the patterns and select Symmetric Pattern (with Sewing) or Ctrl + D.
12. Move the copied drawstring to the right location and simulate.
Hope this tip helps!:)
This is an obvious thing that is not tricks. Tricks is when the complex can be done in a simple way. Do not need explanations all clearly looking at the picture. Use it.
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Thank you for the tip @cmwk0309! It has never crossed my mind to use Thickness-Collision for tying knots.
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@vadsura Hi!
Oh yeah of course I knew this way of doing a drawstring but just wanted to keep the pattern as a whole instead of adding random pieces! :)