Using 3rd Party Avatars in CLO
Hey guys~ I want to share how to use 3rd party avatars in CLO. Sadly, although it is okay so far, it is hard to perform detailed modification to avatars in CLO. So, I use DAZ 3D, a free software which allow us to modify its default avatars. Below are brief procedures and the video. Please check out the video if you want!
- Open DAZ3D
- Use its default avatar (I used Genesis 8 Female) and modify its body shape
- Add and modify hair as you wish
- Export as obj
- Load a pose and export the avatar as obj again
- Open CLO and import the obj file as avatar.
- You can use measurement tapes to measure avatar sizes
- Dress the avatar
- Change pose by importing the obj file as morph target
Hope u enjoy!
I am so glad you can use it with Genesis 8. I had only seen it done with G3F. I am new to all these programs so it is great to see that you can style your Avatar to match your Customer and the Aesthetic of the collection you do in CLO3D. I think it is very important especially since the size morphing in CLO3D had not caught up to the technology of adding Bust or Posterior dimension. This will help for Swim, Lingerie, and Plus as well as Athletic designs and presentations!!!
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Thanks for sharing this! I actually downloaded Daz3D about a week ago, but still haven't found the time to mess around. Exciting to give it a try and incorporate it into CLO!
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The morphs are percentage based and as such not easy to determine what size measurement you have achieved.
Once imported into Clo you must then use the tape to measure your results. So it appears that you may have to have several iterations and go back and forth until you manage to get a useful avatar to mach your own measurements.
Then you still have to add the attachment points and bounding boxes to the imported DAZ avatar.
That's why I think it is imperative to make the editing of a stock Clo avatar easier and more accurate by having direct input of measurements and additional morph targets like bust cup size. Looking at old Clo vids on Youtube it appears that it was once possible to enter measurements with the keyboard into the avatar measurement editor.
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Glad you liked it! As i am new to this software too.. i will update more videos when I try out new stuff!
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The way in which morph targets are arranged in Daz is superior to Clo3D but could be easily emulated in Clo to give more flexibility when adjusting the size of the stock Clo avatars. This would also negate the need to add the mounting points and bounding boxes to imported avatars.
In addition the ability to use the keyboard to change a measurement is a must. At present you have to use the sliders and view the measurement in the 3D window, or tab into the measurements properties. Too many clicks means inefficient use of 3D software!
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first of all thank you so much for having taken the effort to do this tutorial.
I'm trying to figure Daz out and I wondered if you know if you can use measurements in Daz. I mean how do you know you've export the right measurements into CLO3d?