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Need to create a female avatar with only one breast.


  • CLO Designers

    Hi belledeplage,

    It is not possible within CLO, but a valuable feature request (ability to alter the breasts independently from one another). You would either need a 3D body scan or can check if it is possible with Daz3D.

  • belledeplage

    Hello CLO Designer!

    Thank you for your response. I found a way! It's not perfect but it will do the job.

    By adjusting the joints of my avatar, I managed to reduce one of the two breasts to reflect my client's body. I thought I would share this with you, as it might be useful to other CLO users who might encounter a situation like mine. It was actually quite simple:

    #1 Once the avatar is at the correct measurements, open the joint adjustment function.
    #2 Using the handles at the bust level, move one of the bust handles inward. This will reduce the size of one of the breasts without deforming the avatar's skeleton.


  • CLO Designers

    Hi belledeplage,

    Thank you for sharing and I applaud your resourcefulness :) There is one minor instance where the breast will reset, when "Reset Joints" is used over the right-click menu. I will add the feature request and hopefully there'll be a smoother way in the future.

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