Mixamo avatar issues
Hi I have followed a CLO video on Youtube and I followed the steps but the avatar still comes up with the below error when I try to upload to Mixamo. I turned on 'embed media' but Mixamo still gives me this error. Is there something else I can do? It looks like the CLO video I followed was an older version.
Youtube video I followed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18dvBwxkAU8
Image of error message on Mixamo attached.
Hi scendstore,
Have you tried the Auto Convert to Motion function instead? https://support.clo3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/13249323691929-Auto-Convert-to-Motion-ver-7-1
If not using the function and uploading to Mixamo instead, it is import to choose "Exclude Rig" in the export window when saving the FBX.